An Introduction To Mountaineering

So, you have decided to venture into the exhilarating world of mountains. We have all thought about climbing a mountain at one point, and the moment you do take that decision to try it is the moment everything changes. However, not all mountain-related sports or walking are the same, and obviously not all the mountains … Read more

Different Kinds of Family Kayaking

Different Kinds of Kayaking For Your Family

Two Individuals Kayaking on water surface(Unsplash)

If you want to explore the wild and beautiful features of nature and its waters, then there are a few ways better to do it than kayaking. Kayaking can be used for a variety of purposes, but a fun trip with the whole family tops our list. Kayaking is all about quietness, tranquility, and becoming one with nature and yourself. On the other hand, kayaking can also be extremely adventurous, competitive, and even dangerous. Pretty much anyone can go kayaking, from a son to a grandparent; it all depends on what you’re doing and where you’re going. 

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How Tight Should Climbing Shoes Be?

Most climbing shoes are constructed from rubber. So it is normal for them to stretch out over the first few hours of use. Although it may be tempting to buy a pair of shoes that are snug and expect that they will become more comfortable with time, this is a terrible idea since climbing shoes that are too tight can cause injury to your feet.

To get a good idea of how tight your climbing shoes should be, please read on.

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The Best Ways to Prepare For Hiking and Trekking

Going on a hike or trek is incredibly exciting but also takes a bit of time to get used to. While Hiking and trekking are on opposite ends of the difficulty stick, for both of them you really need to get your body, mind, and backpack in good shape before you attempt anything serious. So, what do you need for hiking? If you’re planning on going on a mild hike, you don’t need much. However, long, intense hikes and treks require a lot of time for planning. Whether walking the trail by your house or trekking up a mountain in Asia, we will let you know exactly what you need to do first!

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An Introduction to the Extreme Sport of Adventure Racing

If you like a genuine challenge that will take you hundreds of miles through the most demanding conditions planet Earth can throw at you in pursuit of glory and victory, then adventure racing might just be the thing for you. Adventure racing is the pinnacle of extreme outdoor activities, combining racing as a sport with the survival aspect of trekking or crossing large distances of land in the wilderness. Adventure Racing is certainly not for everybody, and it needs teams of hardened warriors, but the gains are worth it. Keep reading if you believe you have the will, endurance, patience, strength, and speed!

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Is Hiking A Good Way To Get Into Shape for my Family?

Exercise is good for your health and overall appearance and is also very important for your family. Exercise benefits you as an individual, and in turn benefits your family, as it will help you stay healthier and longer for them. Also, your exercise habits may just extend to your spouse and kids, so the whole family can be a super fit family!

However, when it comes to which exercise you should do, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Do you want to go to the gym and pump iron? Good idea, but can be a bit risky, especially the more you age, so you might end up just going on a treadmill for an hour which can be pretty boring.

Do sports? Again, same scenario.

This is why we are here to tell you that you can get a killer workout by just leaving your house. Hiking is not only fun, but an amazing workout to get into shape.

Let’s look at hiking and why it might be the right family exercise for you to begin…

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Great Family Mountain Biking in Africa and the Middle East

So, you’ve decided to go internationally with your mountain biking endeavors. There is no better way to explore the amazing scenery and locations of the world than by biking through them. This part of the world, notably North Africa and the Middle East, is filled with so many amazing natural biking areas like mountains, deserts, oases, valleys, paths, and so many more. Africa and the Middle East are insanely popular for their abundance of mountains, hills, and generally anything steep. With mountains and hills come amazing mountain biking trails you can cover with the entire family. 

Think about it, wouldn’t you prefer actually moving through whatever country you’re visiting and exploring it in detail rather than just observing from afar or having someone tell you what you’re about to see? By mountain biking through these historical and cultural locations in Africa and the Middle East, you get to go deep into the hearts of the cities, ruins, and natural destinations and meet some fellow bikers! We have outlined some African and Middle Eastern countries and the best trails and mountain biking experiences you can have there!

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